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The Budget Message of the President
William J. Clinton
Interview With Willow Bay of Cable News Network's "Moneyline News Hour"
Remarks on Releasing the Fiscal Year 2001 Federal Budget
The President's Radio Address
Statement on the Death of Carl B. Albert
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Bob Squier
Remarks on the Report on Commerce in Firearms and an Exchange With Reporters
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Romania-United States Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty With Documentation
Remarks at a Reception for Jane Harman
Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast
Statement on the Retirement of Representative Bruce F. Vento
Message on the Observance of Lunar New Year, 2000
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Egypt-United States Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty With Documentation
Remarks at Frank W. Ballou Senior High School
Remarks at the National Conference of State Legislatures Dinner
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Revision of the United States Arctic Research Plan
Proclamation 7271—American Heart Month, 2000
Memorandum on Assistance Program for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Statement on the Crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261