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Executive Order 10446—Specification of Laws From Which the Escapee Program Administered by the Department of State Shall Be Exempt
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Executive Order 10444—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8809 of June 28, 1941, Establishing the Good Conduct Medal, as Amended by Executive Order No. 9323 of March 31, 1943
Executive Order 10445—Reserving Certain Lands Acquired Under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act as Parts of National Forests
Executive Order 10443—Suspension of the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Atomic Energy Commission on Public Work Essential to the National Defense
Proclamation 3010—Pan American Day, 1953
Executive Order 10442—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Executive Order 10440—Amendment of Civil Service Rule VI
Executive Order 10441—Continuing in Effect Certain Appointments as Officers and Warrant Officers of the Army and the Air Force
Proclamation 3009—Cancer Control Month, 1953
Memorandum Concerning Segregation in Schools on Army Posts.
Executive Order 10439—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10163 of September 25, 1950, Establishing the Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Proclamation 3008—Armed Forces Day, 1953
Executive Order 10438—Transferring Certain Functions of the National Security Resources Board and of the Chairman Thereof to the Director of Defense Mobilization
Proclamation 3007—Supplementing Proclamation No. 2761A of December 16, 1947, With Respect to Certain Cattle
Proclamation 3005—Child Health Day, 1953
Executive Order 10437—Designating the Honorable Benjamin Ortiz To Act, Under Certain Circumstances, as Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico During the Year 1953
Proclamation 3006—Red Cross Month, 1953
Executive Order 10436—Reserving Kahoolawe Island, Territory of Hawaii, for the Use of the United States for Naval Purposes and Placing it Under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy
Executive Order 10434—Suspension of Wage and Salary Controls Under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended
Executive Order 10435—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations
Executive Order 10433—Further Providing for the Administration of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended
Memorandum on the Red Cross Campaign.
Executive Order 10432—Establishing the President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization
Executive Order 10431—National Security Medal
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10429—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10179 of November 8, 1950, Establishing the Korean Service Medal
Proclamation 3004—Control of Persons Leaving or Entering the United States
Executive Order 10428—Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority of the President to Empower Certain Commanding Officers of the Armed Forces to Convene General Courts-Martial
Executive Order 10430—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Beth Campbell Short to the Competitive Position Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Memorandum Concerning the Organization of the George C. Marshall Research Foundation, Inc.
Executive Order 10426—Setting Aside Submerged Lands of the Continental Shelf as a Naval Petroleum Reserve
Executive Order 10427—Administration of Disaster Relief
Executive Order 10425—Extensions of Time Relating to the Disposition of Certain Housing
Executive Order 10424—Authorizing Competitive Status for Norman E. Prince Wthout Compliance with the Competitive Provisions of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Executive Order 10423—Conferring a Competitive Civil-Service Status Upon William P. Francisco Without Regard to the Competitive Provisions of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Executive Order 10422—Prescribing Procedures for Making Available to the Secretary General of the United Nations Certain Information Concerning United States Citizens Employed or Being Considered for Employment on the Secretariat of the United Nations
Proclamation 3003—Enlarging the Olympic National Park Washington
Memorandum on the Secretary of State's Recommendation in the Case of John Carter Vincent.
Executive Order 10421—Providing for the Physical Security of Facilities Important to the National Defense
Proclamation 3002—Extending the Period for the Establishment of Adequate Shipping Service for, and Deferring Extension of the Coastwise Laws to, Canton Island
Proclamation 3001—Granting Amnesty and Pardon to Certain Persons Convicted by Court-Martial of Desertion From the Armed Forces of the United States