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Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Administration of Federal Aid System
Jimmy Carter
Proclamation 4518—National Lupus Week, 1977
Proclamation 4516—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1977
Proclamation 4517—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1977
Proclamation 4515—Women's Equality Day, 1977
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Sex Discrimination
Memorandums for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Executive Branch Reorganization Studies
Executive Order 12008—Presidential Management Intern Program
Executive Order 12007—Presidential Advisory Committees
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Advisory Committee Review
Proclamation 4514—World Law Day, 1977
Memorandum on the Combined Federal Campaign
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Government Reorganization
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on the Interagency Task Force on Occupational Safety and Health
Memorandum on Government Steel Purchases
Memorandum for the Chairman of the Council on Wage and Price Stability on the Study of Steel Industry Prices and Costs
Memorandum for the Heads of Certain Departments and Agencies on Task Force on Women Business Owners
Memorandum for the Heads of Four Agencies on Toxic and Hazardous Substances Regulation
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Review of Natural Resources and Environmental Programs
Executive Order 12006—Exemption From Mandatory Retirement
Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies on Affirmative Action in the Executive Branch
Executive Order 12005—Generalized System of Preferences for Developing Countries
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Federal Employment of the Handicapped
Proclamation 4513—Captive Nations Week, 1977
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
Executive Order 12003—Energy Policy and Conservation
Executive Order 12004—Federal Pay Administration
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Domestic Assistance Plans
Memorandum for Richard L. Dunham, Chairman, Federal Power Commission on the Power Failure in the New York Metropolitan Area
Proclamation 4512—United States Space Observance
Executive Order 12002—Export Administration Act of 1969
Executive Order 12000—Exemption From Mandatory Retirement
Executive Order 12001—Bicentennial Functions
Executive Order 11998—President's Commission on Military Compensation -
Executive Order 11999—Executive Schedule
Proclamation 4511—Implementation of Orderly Marketing Agreement on Certain Color Television Receivers
Executive Order 11997—Withholding of Income or Employment Taxes by Federal Agencies
Proclamation 4510—Implementation of Orderly Marketing Agreements and the Temporary Quantitative Limitation on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Footwear
Proclamation 4509—Modification of Temporary Quantitative Limitations on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Articles of Alloy Tool Steel