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Memorandum From the President on the Acid Rain Research Program

August 02, 1979

Memorandum for the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of State, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Director of the National Science Foundation, the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy

In my Environmental Message of August 2, 1979, acid rain was identified as a major global environmental problem. However, our knowledge of possible effects and specific causes of acid rain are inadequate for determining what kinds of controls would best mitigate the problems caused by acid rain. It is important that we undertake efforts to describe the magnitude of acid rain effects, to develop a more thorough understanding of its causes, and to identify measures which can mitigate acid rain impacts.

To meet these goals, we must establish a comprehensive federal acid rain research program. In order to increase the program's effectiveness as well as to reduce its costs, research should be coordinated with states and private research efforts, particularly large industry efforts. Finally, in undertaking the federal acid rain research program, we should work closely with Canada, Mexico, other nations, and international organizations which are concerned about acid rain.
I therefore direct that:

• A standing Acid Rain Coordination Committee be established comprised of policy representatives from each of your agencies.

• The Committee shall be co-chaired by the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency. The Council on Environmental Quality shall serve as the Executive Secretary of the Committee.

• The Committee shall plan and manage a comprehensive acid rain assessment program. A Federal Acid Rain Assessment Plan shall be completed by January 1, 1980. The Plan shall identify necessary coordination mechanisms to ensure that the results of the assessment program will be incorporated in agency planning and decisionmaking.

• The Committee shall seek cooperation of state and private research efforts, particularly industry research programs, which are conducting acid rain research so that to the extent possible duplicative research is eliminated and research is jointly planned and conducted.

• Through the Secretary of State the federal acid rain research program shall be coordinated to the extent possible with similar efforts in Canada and Mexico as well as with other Nations and international bodies.

• Consistent with established procedures of the agencies chairing the Committee, the Committee shall actively solicit public involvement in its planning and reviews of the research results of the Committee's program; workshops, public hearings, and other techniques should be utilized.

• The Committee shall prepare and submit to the President by September 15 of each year an annual report which shall present the results of the acid rain assessment program and make recommendations as appropriate. This report shall serve as a planning document for focusing agency programs to meet the objectives of the acid rain research program.


Jimmy Carter, Memorandum From the President on the Acid Rain Research Program Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/250024

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