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Executive Order 12795—Establishing in Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Consolidated Rail Corporation and its Employees Represented by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes
George Bush
Executive Order 12796—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and its Employees Represented BY Certain Labor Organizations
Proclamation 6417—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 1992
Proclamation 6416—Cancer Control Month, 1992
Memorandum Delegating Authority Regarding Weapons Destruction in the Former Soviet Union
Executive Order 12793—Continuing the Presidential Service Certificate and the Presidential Service Badge
Proclamation 6415—National Safe Boating Week, 1992
Memorandum on the Federal Savings Bond Campaign
Proclamation 6414—National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, 1992
Proclamation 6412—National Women in Agriculture Day, 1992
Proclamation 6413—Extending United States Copyright Protections to the Works of the People's Republic of China
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 19 -- Memorandum on Emergency Assistance for Cambodian and Burmese Refugees
Executive Order 12792—National Commission on America's Urban Families
Proclamation 6411—To Amend the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 6410—Girl Scouts of the United States of America 80th Anniversary Day
Executive Order 12791—Nuclear Cooperation With Euratom
Proclamation 6409—National Day of Prayer, 1992
Proclamation 6408—Irish-American Heritage Month, 1992
Executive Order 12790—Amending the Order Establishing the Southwest Asia Service Medal
Proclamation 6407—Year of the American Indian, 1992