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Executive Order 1061—Ordering Solicitor General to Report to President on Branding Requirements for Whisky
William Howard Taft
Executive Order 1060—Admission of Deaf-Mutes to Examinations for Civil Service
Executive Order 1052—Amending Civil Service Rules in Relation to Proposed Employee Transfers
Proclamation 873—Establishment of the Navajo National Monument, Arizona
Proclamation 872—Convening Extra Session of Congress
Proclamation 864—Enlarging the Zuni National Forest, Arizona and New Mexico
Theodore Roosevelt
Proclamation 859—Enlarging the Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona
Proclamation 871—Enlarging the Sequoia National Forest, California
Proclamation 863—Enlarging the Carson National Forest, New Mexico
Proclamation 862—Enlarging the Alamo National Forest, New Mexico
Proclamation 866—Enlarging the Apache National Forest, Arizona
Proclamation 865—Enlarging the Trinity National Forest, California
Executive Order 1044—Establishing the Pribilof Reservation, Alaska
Proclamation 856—Convening a Special Session of the United States Senate
Proclamation 850—Reciprocity with Spain
Proclamation 842—Centennial Anniversay of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln
Executive Order 1000—Alamo National Forest, New Mexico
Proclamation 822—Thanksgiving Day, 1908
Proclamation 820—Rosebud Indian Reservation
Proclamation—Reciprocity with the Netherlands