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Radio-Television News Directors Association Question-and-Answer Session by Telephone With Members Attending the Association's Annual Convention.
Jimmy Carter
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Barre of France at a Working Dinner for the Prime Minister
National Hispanic Heritage Week Remarks at a Rose Garden Ceremony.
Visit of Prime Minister Raymond Barre of France Remarks of the President and the Prime Minister at the Welcoming Ceremony.
Department of Energy Remarks of the President and Secretary of Energy Schlesinger on the Activation of the Department.
Trenton, New Jersey Remarks at a Rally in the Chambersburg Neighborhood
Newark, New Jersey Remarks at a Fundraising Breakfast for Governor Brendan Byrne.
Remarks at the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, New Jersey
Meeting With President Aparicio Mendez Manfredini of Uruguay Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Federal Grants-in-Aid Remarks Announcing Reform of the System.
Meeting With Prime Minister Eric M. Gairy of Grenada Exchange of Remarks With Reporter Following the Meeting.
Meeting With President Jorge Rafael Videla of Argentina Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Meeting With President Daniel Oduber Quiros of Costa Rica Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Meeting With Vice Admiral Alfredo Poveda Burbano of Ecuador Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting With the President of the Supreme Council of the Government of Ecuador
Meeting With Brigadier General Juan Alberto Melgar Castro of Honduras Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting With the Chief of State of Honduras
Meeting With President Hugo Banzer Suarez of Bolivia Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Meeting With President Carlos Humberto Romero of El Salvador Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
United States-Canada Agreement on a Natural Gas Pipeline Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Trudeau Announcing the Agreement.
Meeting With President Joaquin Balaguer of the Dominican Republic Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Remarks at a White House Dinner for Western Hemisphere Leaders Attending the Panama Canal Treaties Signing Ceremony
Panama Canal Treaties Remarks at the Signing Ceremony at the Pan American Union Building.
Remarks to Reporters Following a Meeting With President Carlos Andres Perez of Venezuela
Meeting With President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte of Chile - Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Remarks to Reporters Following a Meeting With President Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay
Meeting With President Alfonso Lopez Michelsen of Colombia Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Meeting With President Francisco Morales Bermudez Cerruti of Peru Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting
Panama Canal Treaty Remarks During a Briefing on the Treaty.
Secretary of State Vance's Trip to the People's Republic of China Remarks on Secretary Vance's Return.
Remarks on Signing Proclamation 4515 on Women's Equality Day, 1977
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Editors and News Directors.
Remarks on Signing an Executive Order Establishing the Presidential Management Intern Program
The President's News Conference
Director of the Office of Management and Budget Remarks of the President at a News Conference by Bert Lance Following an Investigation of His Finances.
Panama Canal Negotiations Remarks on the Agreement in Principle Reached with Panama.
ABC News Interview Interview With Correspondents Harry Reasoner and Sam Donaldson in Plains, Georgia.
Plains, Georgia Exchange With Reporters at Carters Warehouse.
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Youth Employment and Demonstration Projects Act of 1977
Visit of President Nyerere of Tanzania Remarks to Reporters Following the President's Departure
Secretary of Energy Remarks at the Swearing In of James R. Schlesinger.