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Remarks to the Community in Beebe, Arkansas
William J. Clinton
Remarks to the Community in Little Rock, Arkansas
The President's Radio Address
Remarks on the Arkansas Tornado Damage
Remarks at the National Academy of Sciences
Interview With Judith Miller and William J. Broad of the New York Times
Remarks on the Initiative To Provide a Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom
Remarks to an Overflow Crowd in Norristown
Remarks to the Montgomery County Community in Norristown, Pennsylvania
Remarks to the Western New York Community in Buffalo
Remarks to an Overflow Crowd in Buffalo, New York
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union
Address on the Observance of Eid al-Fitr
Remarks to AmeriCorps Volunteers
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner
Remarks to the Wall Street Project Conference in New York City
Remarks to the Global Forum for Reinventing Government
Telephone Remarks to the Wall Street Project Conference
Remarks on the Next Generation COPS Initiative in Alexandria, Virginia
Remarks Announcing an Initiative To Improve Economic Opportunities for Americans With Disabilities
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Labor Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Announcing the Lands Legacy Initiative
Remarks Following the Entertainment at the State Dinner Honoring President Carlos Menem of Argentina
Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring President Carlos Menem of Argentina
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Carlos Menem of Argentina
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the Economic Club of Detroit in Detroit, Michigan
Remarks on Funding for Quality After-School Programs
Remarks on the Budget Surplus for Fiscal Year 1999
Remarks on the Zero Tolerance for Drugs in Prison Initiative
Remarks Announcing a Long-Term Health Care Initiative
Remarks Announcing the Children Exposed to Violence Initiative
Remarks Announcing Social Security System Compliance With Year 2000 Computer Problem Safeguards
Remarks at a Housing and Urban Development Grant Announcement in Baltimore, Maryland
Christmas Greeting to the Nation
Remarks at D.C. Central Kitchen
Remarks at the Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing 10th Anniversary Observance in Arlington, Virginia