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Memorandum to the Vice President in Response to His Report on the Summer Youth Opportunity Campaign
Lyndon B. Johnson
Memorandum Concerning the Recommendations of the White House Conference on International Cooperation
Memorandum on the Combined Federal Campaign for the Washington Metropolitan Area
Memorandum to the Secretary, HUD, in Response to His Progress Report on the Rent Supplement Program
Memorandum on the Use and Management of Computers by Federal Agencies
Memorandum on Ethical Conduct on the Part of Government Officers and Employees
Memorandum on the Government's Joint Financial Management Improvement Program
Memorandum Further Restricting Employment in Federal Agencies and Travel by Federal Personnel
Memorandum on the Charging of Fees for Government Services
Memorandum on June Buying by Federal Agencies.
Memorandum on the Federal Government's Drive Against Organized Crime
Memorandum on Cost Reduction in the Federal Government
Memorandum Approving Release of Copper From the National Stockpile
Memorandum on the Need for Controlling Expenditures by Federal Agencies
Memorandums on U.S. Participation in International Organizations and Programs.
Memorandum on the Need for Training in Modern Management Methods
Memorandum on Balance of Payments and Federal Expenditures Overseas
Memorandum Announcing Revised Guidelines Governing Development by the Government of Products or Services for Its Own Use
Memorandum on the Processing of Federal Employees' Claims for Workmen's Compensation Benefits