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Letter to the District of Columbia Fire Department on Its Service in Fighting an Executive Office Fire.
Herbert Hoover
Letter to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Supplemental Estimates of Appropriations for the Department of Justice.
Letter Authorizing the Signature of Documents of Accession to the Permanent Court of International Justice.
Letter Suggesting the Renaming of Fort Russell in Honor of Senator Francis E. Warren.
Letter Endorsing a Proposed Statewide Economic Survey in New York.
Letter in Reply to a Suggestion for a National Conference of Retail Merchants.
Telegrams to Governors Urging Stimulation of Public Works To Aid the Economy.
Telegram Inviting Industry and Labor Leaders to Conferences at the White House.
Letter of Apology to Senator Hiram Johnson.
Letter in Reply to Florida Republicans Protesting an Appointment.
Letter Supporting the Restoration of Kenmore as a National Shrine.
Letter on the Retirement of Hubert Work as Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Telegram Denying Association of Admiral Hilary Jones With William B. Shearer in Activities Against Naval Reduction.
Telegram Denying a Rumor of Abandonment of Army and Navy Aircraft Programs.
Letter Proposing Incorporation of Camp Rapidan Into the Shenandoah National Park.
Telegram Greeting King Haakon of Norway on His Birthday.
Letter to the National Commander of the American Legion on Naval Parity With Great Britain.
Letter Agreeing To Act as Honorary Referee of a British-American Track and Field Meet.
Telegram to the President of Liberia on the Death of William T. Francis, United States Minister.
Letter on the Loan of "Billy Opossum"as a High School Mascot.