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Television Interview for CBS Morning News.
Richard Nixon
A Conversation With the President About Foreign Policy.
Remarks During a Television Interview in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Remarks During a Television Interview Prior to a Congressional Breakfast.
Interview With the President and Mrs. Johnson on a Recorded Program: "A View From the White House."
Lyndon B. Johnson
"A Conversation With the President," Joint Interview for Use by Television Networks
Interview for the Australian Broadcasting Company Following the Death of Prime Minister Holt.
Television Interview With the President and Mrs. Johnson Recorded in Connection With the Wedding of Their Daughter Lynda Bird.
Text of Interview With the President Published in "America Illustrated" for Distribution in the Soviet Union.
Transcript of Television and Radio Interview Conducted by Representatives of Major Broadcast Services.
Transcript of Broadcast on NBC's "Huntley-Brinkley Report."
John F. Kennedy
Transcript of Broadcast With Walter Cronkite Inaugurating a CBS Television News Program.
The President's Interview With Robert Stein, Representing a Group of Seven Magazines
Partial Transcript of a Background Press Interview at Palm Beach.
Television and Radio Interview: "After Two Years - a Conversation With the President."
Transcript of Interview With William Lawrence Recorded for the Program "Politics - '62"
Transcript of Interview With Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt Recorded for National Educational Television.
Transcript of Interview With the President by Aleksei Adzhubei, Editor of Izvestia.
Transcript of Interview by a Correspondent of the British Broadcasting Company.
Transcript of Interview With the President Recorded for French TV and Radio.
Transcript of Remarks During an Interview for British Television.
Interview With Dave Garroway Recorded for the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Massachusetts General Hospital.
Recorded Interview by Mrs. John G. Lee, National President, League of Women Voters.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
A Recorded Interview With the President.
Harry S Truman
Radio Interview on Government Reporting to the People.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Excerpt of an Interview with the New York Herald on the Advantages of Annexing Santo Domingo
Ulysses S. Grant
Interview With a Colored Delegation Respecting Suffrage
Andrew Johnson
Interview with Judge Wardlow, Alfred Huger, Colonel Dawkins and W.H. Trescott of South Carolina
Interview with George L. Stearns on the Restoration of the Southern States and the Status of the Negro
Interview with John T. Mills
Abraham Lincoln
Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Colored Men