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Press Release: President-Elect Obama Announces Key Members of Science and Technology Team
Barack Obama
Remarks in Chicago Announcing Nominations for the Departments of Labor, Transportation, United States Trade Representative, and Small Business Administration
Statement by the President-Elect on the Auto Industry Assistance Package
Press Release: President-Elect Obama Announces Choices for Transportation, Labor, SBA and USTR Posts
Press Release: President-Elect Obama Announces Choices for SEC, CFTC and Federal Reserve Board
Remarks in Chicago Announcing Nominations for the SEC, CFTC, and Federal Reserve Board
Press Release: President-Elect Obama Announces Choices for Interior and Agriculture Posts
Remarks Announcing Nominees for Secretaries of the Departments of Agriculture and Interior
Press Release: President-Elect Obama Nominates Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education
Remarks in Chicago Announcing the Nomination of Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education