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Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney: President Obama's Failure on Energy has Led to Higher Gas Prices
Mitt Romney
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney: Americans want a Leader to Replace President Obama and Create Jobs
Romney Campaign Press Release - President Obama's Middle Class Failures
Romney Campaign Press Release - End of the Line in Largo: Obama's Energy Policies Have Failed
Romney Campaign Press Release - New Radio Ad: "OPORTUNIDAD"
Santorum Campaign Press Release - No Wonder Mitt Romney Supported the Wall Street Bailout
Rick Santorum
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Former Pennsylvania Governor and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge
Statement by Mitt Romney on the Results of the Elections in Hawaii and American Samoa
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Video: Newt Gingrich: The Fight Continues
Newt Gingrich
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Trio of Polls Show Ron Paul Most Viable Alternative to Romney v Obama
Ron Paul