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Statement by the President Concerning the Antarctic Treaty
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Radio and Television Address to the American People Announcing the Signing of the Korean Armistice
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Treaty of Peace With Japan and Related Security Pacts
Harry S Truman
Exchange of Remarks With the President of the Philippines at the Signing of the Treaty of Mutual Defense.
Statement by the President on the Coming Into Effect of the North Atlantic Treaty
Statement by the President Upon Ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty
Address on the Occasion of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty
Statement by the President on the Signing of the Charter of the International Trade Organization
Statement by the President on the Peace Treaties With Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria
Statement by the President on the Treaty of Peace With Italy
Special Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty and Protocol With the Philippines
Radio Address to the American People After the Signing of the Terms of Unconditional Surrender by Japan
Address Before the Senate Urging Ratification of the Charter of the United Nations
Statement by the President on the Senate's Approval of the Water Utilization Treaty With Mexico
Statement on Signing Joint Resolutions on Philippine Independence and Rehabilitation
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Address on the Signing of the Agreement Establishing the U.N.R.R.A.
Statements with the Prime Minister of Canada on the Canadian Trade Agreement
Statement on Signing Pan-American Union Treaty
Statement About Signing the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Deep Waterway Treaty
Herbert Hoover
Remarks on the Deposit of the Instruments of Ratification of the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament
Statement About Signing the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament
Statement on the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty with Great Britain on the Preservation of Niagara Falls
Calvin Coolidge
State Department Statement on the Text of the Anti-War Treaties Signed in the Summer of 1928 With Most of the Great Countries of the World
Address to the Senate Laying Before it a Group of Treaties Negotiated by the Washington Conference
Warren G. Harding
Statement on the Four-Power Treaty
Message to the Senate Urging Ratification of the Pending Treaty with Colombia
Remarks to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
Woodrow Wilson
Address to the Senate on the Versailles Peace Treaty
Address Upon Reporting the Covenant at the Plenary Session of the Peace Conference in Paris, France
Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and France, Negotiated August 3, 1911
William Howard Taft
Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and Great Britain, Negotiated August 3, 1911
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty to Annex the Hawaiian Islands
Benjamin Harrison
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty Between the United States and the United States of Colombia for the Construction of an Interoceanic Canal Across the Isthmus of Panama and Darien
Ulysses S. Grant
Letter to Senator John Sherman of Ohio on the Dominican Treaty
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty with the Sioux Indians
James Buchanan
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty with the Ponca Tribe of Indians
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty with the Tonawanda Indians
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty with Peru