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Letter Accepting the Resignation of Michael K. Deaver as Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff
Ronald Reagan
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Michael A. McManus, Jr., as Assistant to the President and Deputy to the Deputy Chief of Staff
Statement on the Resignation of Raymond J. Donovan as Secretary of Labor
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Raymond J. Donovan as Secretary of Labor
Letter Accepting the Resignation of William A. Niskanen as a Member and Acting Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard G. Darman as Assistant to the President and Deputy to the Chief of Staff
Letter Accepting the Resignation of James A. Baker III as Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
Statement on the Resignation of Michael K. Deaver as Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff
Letter Accepting the Resignation of William D. Ruckelshaus as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Letter Accepting the Resignation of T.H. Bell as Secretary of Education
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Donald H. Rumsfeld as the President's Personal Representative in the Middle East
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Martin S. Feldstein as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Edward C. Schmults as Deputy Attorney General
Letter Accepting the Resignation of William French Smith as Attorney General of the United States
Letter Accepting the Resignation of David R. Gergen as Assistant to the President for Communications
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Paul Thayer as Deputy Secretary of Defense
Letter Accepting the Resignation of J. Lynn Helms as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Kenneth M. Duberstein as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Dennis LeBlanc as Associate Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Statement on the Resignation of James G. Watt as Secretary of the Interior
Letter Accepting the Resignation of John J. Louis, Jr., as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Lyndon K. Allin as Deputy Press Secretary to the President
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Edwin L. Harper as Assistant to the President for Policy Development
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Anne M. Burford as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard S. Williamson as Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Richard S. Schweiker as Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Nomination of Margaret M. Heckler for the Position
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard F. Staar as United States Representative to the Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions Negotiations
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard S. Schweiker as Secretary of Health and Human Services
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Eugene V. Rostow as Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Drew L. Lewis as Secretary of Transportation
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Frank C. Carlucci as Deputy Secretary of Defense
White House Announcement of the Resignation of James B. Edwards as Secretary of Energy
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Murray L. Weidenbaum as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Jerry L. Jordan as a Member of the Council of Economic Advisers
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Alexander M. Haig, Jr., as Secretary of State and the Nomination of George P. Shultz for the Position
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Alexander M. Haig, Jr., as Secretary of State
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Adm. B. R. Inman as Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Joseph W. Canzeri as Assistant to the President
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Martin Anderson as Assistant to the President for Policy Development
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Michael Cardenas as Administrator of the Small Business Administration
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard V. Allen as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Max L. Friedersdorf as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Max Cleland as Administrator of Veterans Affairs
Announcement of the Resignation of Lloyd N. Cutler as Counsel to the President
Jimmy Carter
Ambassador at Large Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Gerard C. Smith.
Ambassador at Large and Special Representative of the President for the Law of the Sea Conference Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Elliot L. Richardson.
Announcement of the Resignation of Senior Adviser to the President Hedley W. Donoran
Department of State Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Cyrus R. Vance as Secretary.
Resignation of George M. Seignious II and Nomination of Ralph Earle II as Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
United States Coordinator for Refugee Affairs Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Ambassador at Large Dick Clark.
United States Ambassador to Mexico Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Patrick J. Lucey.
Department of Commerce Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Juanita M. Kreps as Secretary.
United States Representative to the United Nations Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Ambassador Andrew Young.
Department of Justice Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Griffin B. Bell as Attorney General.
Department of Energy Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of James R. Schlesinger as Secretary.
Department of Transportation Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Brock Adams as Secretary.
Resignation of James R. Schlesinger and Nominations of Charles W. Duncan, Jr., To Be Secretary of Energy and W. Graham Claytor, Jr., To Be Deputy Secretary of Defense
Resignation of Brock Adams as Secretary and Appointment of W. Graham Claytot, Jr., as Acting Secretary of the Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of W. Michael Blumenthal as Secretary.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Joseph A. Califano, Jr., as Secretary.