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Statement on the Resignation of Subra Suresh as Director of the National Science Foundation
Barack Obama
Statement by the President on the Resignation of Steven Chu as Secretary of Energy
Statement on the Resignation of Mark J. Sullivan as Director of the United States Secret Service
Statement on the Resignation of Raymond H. LaHood as Secretary of Transportation
Statement on the Resignation of Christopher P. Lu as Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary
Statement on the Resignation of Ronald Kirk as United States Trade Representative
Statement on the Resignation of Kenneth L. Salazar as Secretary of the Interior
Statement on the Resignation of Hilda L. Solis as Secretary of Labor
Statement on the Resignation of Lisa P. Jackson as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Statement on the Resignation of Princeton N. Lyman as United States Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan
Statement on the Resignation of David H. Petraeus as Director of Central Intelligence
Statement on the Resignation of Aaron S. Williams as Director of the Peace Corps
Statement on the Resignation of Cass R. Sunstein as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget
Statement on the Resignation of John E. Bryson as Secretary of Commerce
Remarks on the Resignation of White House Chief of Staff William M. Daley and the Appointment of Jacob J. "Jack" Lew as White House Chief of Staff
Statement on the Resignation of United States Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George J. Mitchell
Statement on the Resignation of Robert L. Gibbs as White House Press Secretary
Remarks on the Resignation of James L. Jones, Jr., as National Security Adviser and the Appointment of Thomas E. Donilon as National Security Adviser
Remarks on the Resignation of White House Chief of Staff Rahm I. Emanuel and the Appointment of Peter M. Rouse as Interim White House Chief of Staff
Statement on the Resignation of Dennis F. Hightower as Deputy Secretary of Commerce
Remarks on the Resignation of General Stanley A. McChrystal as Commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan
Statement on the Resignation of Edward B. Montgomery as Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers
Statement on the Resignation of Dennis C. Blair as Director of National Intelligence
Statement on the Resignation of Desiree Rogers as White House Social Secretary
Statement on the Resignation of Alphonso R. Jackson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
George W. Bush
Statement on the Resignation of Admiral William J. "Fox" Fallon as Commander of United States Central Command
Statement on the Resignation of Donald E. Powell as Coordinator of Gulf Coast Region Recovery and Rebuilding
Statement on the Resignation of Candida Wolff and the Appointment of Daniel Meyer as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Statement on the Resignation of William McGurn and the Appointment of Marc Thiessen as Assistant to the President for Speechwriting
Statement on the Resignation of Allan B. Hubbard and the Appointment of Keith Hennessey as Director of the National Economic Council
Statement on the Resignation of Frances Fragos Townsend as Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
Statement on the Resignation of Mel R. Martinez as Chairman of the Republican National Committee
Remarks on the Resignation of Michael O. Johanns as Secretary of Agriculture
Remarks on the Resignation of Tony Snow as Press Secretary and the Appointment of Dana Perino as Press Secretary and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on the Resignation of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales in Waco, Texas
Remarks on the Resignation of Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Adviser Karl Rove
Statement on the Resignation of Liza Wright as Director of Presidential Personnel
Statement on the Resignation of R. James Nicholson as Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Statement on the Resignation of Daniel J. Bartlett as Counselor to the President
Statement on the Resignation of Jack D. Crouch II as Deputy National Security Adviser
Statement on the Resignation of John R. Bolton as United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Remarks on the Resignation of John R. Bolton as United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Remarks on the Resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and the Nomination of Robert M. Gates To Be Secretary of Defense
Statement on the Resignation of Mark B. McClellan as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Statement on the Resignation of Norman Y. Mineta as Secretary of Transportation
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Porter J. Goss as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Press Secretary Scott McClellan
Statement on the Resignation of H. James Towey as Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Andrew H. Card, Jr., as White House Chief of Staff and the Appointment of Joshua B. Bolten as White House Chief of Staff
Statement on the Resignation of Gale Norton as Secretary of the Interior
Statement on the Resignation of Claude Allen as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy
Statement on the Resignation of Andrew S. Natsios as Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development
Remarks on the Resignation of the Vice President's Chief of Staff I. Lewis Libby
Remarks on the Resignation of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor From the Supreme Court of the United States
Statement on the Resignation of Harvey S. Rosen as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
Statement on the Resignation of William H. Donaldson as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Statement on the Resignation of N. Gregory Mankiw as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
Statement on the Resignation of Anthony J. Principi as Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Statement on the Resignation of Tommy G. Thompson as Secretary of Health and Human Services
Statement on the Resignation of John C. Danforth as United States Ambassador to the United Nations