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Remarks on the Resignation of John R. Bolton as United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations
George W. Bush
Remarks on the Resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and the Nomination of Robert M. Gates To Be Secretary of Defense
Statement on the Resignation of Mark B. McClellan as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Statement on the Resignation of Norman Y. Mineta as Secretary of Transportation
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Porter J. Goss as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Press Secretary Scott McClellan
Statement on the Resignation of H. James Towey as Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Andrew H. Card, Jr., as White House Chief of Staff and the Appointment of Joshua B. Bolten as White House Chief of Staff
Statement on the Resignation of Gale Norton as Secretary of the Interior
Statement on the Resignation of Claude Allen as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy