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Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Call with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi of Egypt
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with African Leaders
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Trilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Abe of Japan and President Moon of the Republic of Korea
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Call with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan
Readout of the Vice President's Meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi of the People's Republic of China
Mike Pence
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with President Emmanuel Macron of France
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Luncheon with World Leaders
Readout of the Vice President's Meeting with High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Secretary Policy and Vice President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini
Readout of the Vice President's Meeting with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi of Pakistan
Readout of Second Lady Karen Pence's Visit to MercyFirst in New York
Karen Pence
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Working Dinner with President Michel Temer of Brazil, President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia, President Juan Carlos Varela of Panama, and Vice President Gabriela Michetti of Argentina
Readout of President Donald J. Trump's Meeting with President of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak