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Toasts of the President and Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia at a Dinner Honoring His Royal Highness
Jimmy Carter
Visit of Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia - Remarks of the President and the Crown Prince at the Welcoming Ceremony
Remarks to Reporters Following the Meeting With Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel of Turkey in London
Toasts of the President and President Asad of Syria at a Dinner Hosted by President Carter in Geneva, Switzerland
Four Power Summit Meeting Joint Declaration on Berlin.
Meeting With President Hafiz al-Asad of Syria Remarks of the President and President Asad Prior to Their Meeting.
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC SUMMIT MEETING - Joint Declaration Issued at the Conclusion of the Meeting
Toasts of the President and King Hussein I of Jordan at a Dinner Honoring His Majesty
Visit of King Hussein I of Jordan Remarks of the President and King Hussein at the Welcoming Ceremony.
Toasts of the President and President Sadat at a Dinner Honoring the Egyptian President