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Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With President Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia
William J. Clinton
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin of Russia and an Exchange With Reporters
The President's News Conference With Caribbean Leaders
Remarks in a Telephone Conversation With Frank Harkin
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti and an Exchange With Reporters
The President's News Conference With President Boris Yeltsin of Russia in Tokyo
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Following Discussions With President Kim Yong-sam of South Korea in Seoul
Remarks With Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa of Japan in Tokyo
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Kim Campbell of Canada in Tokyo
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Carlo Azeglio Ciampi of Italy in Tokyo