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Visit of President Nyerere of Tanzania Remarks to Reporters Following the President's Departure
Jimmy Carter
New Orleans, Louisiana Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters.
Visit of Prime Minister Begin of Israel Remarks to Reporters Following the Prime Minister's Departure
Plains, Georgia Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters.
Brunswick, Georgia Exchange With Reporters at the Brunswick Airport Following Mrs. Carter's Departure.
Port Canaveral, Florida - Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Disembarking From the U.S.S. "Los Angeles."
Port Canaveral, Florida Exchange With Reporters on Arrival.
Brunswick, Georgia Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at the Brunswick Airport.
Visit of Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia Remarks to Reporters on the Crown Prince's Departure
Los Angeles, California Informal Exchange With Reporters Outside the KNXT-TV Studios.