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Remarks on Greeting the New York Islanders, the National Hockey League Champions
Ronald Reagan
Remarks to Reporters on the Israel-Lebanon Peace Agreement
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Fiscal Year 1984 Budget
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Nomination of Richard B. Stone To Be Ambassador at Large, Serving as Special Representative of the President to Central America
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Situation in the Middle East
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Nomination of William D. Ruckelshaus To Be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Remarks to Reporters on a House Budget Proposal
Remarks to State and Local Officials on Proposed Federalism Legislation
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Kare Willoch of Norway Following Their Meetings
Question-and-Answer Session With Local Television Anchors on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Unemployment Rate
Question-and-Answer Session With Newspaper and Magazine Columnists on the Fiscal Year 1984 Budget
Remarks of President Reagan and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt Following Their Meetings
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Proposed Changes in the Corporate Income Tax
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters During a Visit to the OIC/IBM High Technology Training Center in Roxbury, Massachusetts
Question-and-Answer Session With Network Anchors on the State of the Union Address'
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Second Anniversary of the Inauguration of the President
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters During a Visit to Providence-St. Mel High School in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Strategic Arms Reduction and Military Deterrence
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Dallas, Texas, on Defense Spending
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Arrival in Palm Springs, California
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Accomplishments of the 97th Congress
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Production of the MX Missile
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Production of the MX Missile
Remarks to Reporters Announcing the Administration Proposal for an Agriculture Payment-in-Kind Program
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the President's Trip to Latin America
Exchange With Reporters in San Jose, Costa Rica, Following a Meeting With President Alvaro Alfredo Magana Borjo of El Salvador
Remarks to Reporters on Action by the House Appropriations Committee Supporting Production of the MX Missile
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following Meetings With Brazilian President Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo in Brasilia
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Administration Priorities During the Final Session of the 97th Congress
Remarks to Reporters Announcing the Administration's Proposal for a Highway and Bridge Repair Program
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on East-West Trade Relations and the Soviet Pipeline Sanctions
Remarks to Reporters Announcing the Appointment of Ambassador Philip C. Habib as the President's Special Representative for the Middle East