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Campaign Address in Topeka, Kansas on the Farm Problem
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Campaign Address on Prohibition in Sea Girt, New Jersey
Campaign Address at Columbus, Ohio
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Herbert Hoover
Radio Address on the National Democratic Platform From Albany, New York
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Address at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia
Address at Jefferson Day Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota
Radio Address From Albany, New York: "The 'Forgotten Man' Speech"
Post-election Radio Address
Al Smith
Remarks to Stanford University Students After Hearing of Election Victory
Radio Address to the Nation From Palo Alto, California
Campaign Address in St. Louis, Missouri
Campaign Address in New York City
Campaign Address in Boston, Massachusetts
Campaign Address in Elizabethton, Tennessee
Campaign Address in Newark, New Jersey
Address of Acceptance at the State Capitol, Albany, New York
Campaign Address in West Branch, Iowa
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination in Stanford, California
Calvin Coolidge
Address Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination in Clarksburg, West Virginia
John W. Davis
Address Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination in Dayton, Ohio
James M. Cox
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination in Marion, Ohio
Warren G. Harding
Address at Sea Girt, New Jersey Accepting the Democratic Nomination for President
Woodrow Wilson
Remarks to Princeton University Students and Neighbors on the Election Victory
"The Progressive Cause is Greater than Any Individual," Remarks at Milwaukee, WI
Theodore Roosevelt
Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination of the Republican Party
William Howard Taft
Remarks Accepting the Republican Nomination for President
Remarks Following the Election Victory in Canton, Ohio
William McKinley
Address in New York City Accepting the Democratic Nomination for President
William Jennings Bryan
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Republican National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Republican Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination in Canton, Ohio
Remarks to Members of the Notification Committee of the Democratic National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Grover Cleveland
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Republican National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination in Indianapolis, Indiana
Benjamin Harrison
Remarks to Ninety-One Veterans Who Had Voted for General William Henry Harrison in 1836 or 1840 in Indianapolis, Indiana
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Democratic National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Remarks to the Republican Club of Danville, Indiana on Receiving the Republican Nomination for President in Indianapolis, Indiana
Remarks to the Republican Club of Plainfield, Indiana on Receiving the Republican Nomination for President in Indianapolis, Indiana
Remarks to Delegations from Hamilton and Howard Counties, Indiana on Receiving the Republican Nomination for President in Indianapolis, Indiana
Remarks to the Community in Indianapolis, Indiana Upon Receiving the Republican Nomination for President
James G. Blaine
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Republican Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Ulysses S. Grant
Remarks to Committee of the Republican National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Abraham Lincoln