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  • Search terms are case sensitive. Trump ≠ trump
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  • Search operators such as AND OR NOT && || ! are not supported.
  • Search term input values cannot exceed 256 characters.


Results   176 - 200 of 12176 records found

Date Related Document Title
Feb 21, 1981 Ronald Reagan Nomination of Ann McGill Gorsuch To Be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Feb 21, 1981 Ronald Reagan Nomination of John Whitlock Hernandez To Be Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Feb 23, 1981 Ronald Reagan Executive Order 12292—Foreign Service Act of 1980
Feb 23, 1981 Ronald Reagan Executive Order 12293—Foreign Service of the United States
Feb 23, 1981 Ronald Reagan Proclamation 4821—Save Your Vision Week
Feb 23, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks at a White House Meeting With the National Governors' Association
Feb 23, 1981 Ronald Reagan Nomination of Emanuel S. Savas To Be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Statement by the Press Secretary on the Formation of the United States Business Committee on Jamaica
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Executive Order 12294—Suspension of Litigation Against Iran
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Executive Order 12295—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks During a White House Briefing on the Program for Economic Recovery
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks on Presenting the Medal of Honor to Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Toasts at a Dinner Honoring the Nation's Governors
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Message to the Congress on the Suspension of Litigation Against Iran
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Norway Fishery Agreement
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on Continuing Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Nomination of Louis O. Giuffrida To Be Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Feb 24, 1981 Ronald Reagan Nomination of John S. R. Shad To Be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Designation as Chairman
Feb 25, 1981 Ronald Reagan Letter Accepting the Resignation of Max Cleland as Administrator of Veterans Affairs
Feb 26, 1981 Ronald Reagan Statement by the Press Secretary on the Formation of the Cabinet Councils
Feb 26, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom
Feb 26, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom Following Their Meetings
Feb 26, 1981 Ronald Reagan Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom at the State Dinner
Feb 27, 1981 Ronald Reagan Proclamation 4822—Red Cross Month, 1981
Feb 27, 1981 Ronald Reagan Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom at the Dinner Honoring the President