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Results   4026 - 4050 of 4072 records found

Date Related Document Title
Jan 13, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Memorandum to Agencies Transmitting Report on Career Training for Young Federal Employees
Jan 14, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Unit Citation to SEAL TEAM ONE, USN.
Jan 14, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to 41st Regimental Headquarters, 1st and 3d Battalions, 41st Regiment, and to 3d Troop, 8th Reconnaissance Squadron, ARVN
Jan 14, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union
Jan 15, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report on U.S.. Foreign Trade Policy.
Jan 15, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Annual Budget Message to the Congress, Fiscal Year 1970.
Jan 15, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Signing of the Budget Message, Fiscal Year 1970.
Jan 15, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at a Reception for the Secretary of State and Mrs. Rusk.
Jan 15, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the Foreign Assistance Program.
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Statement by the President on the Peace Talks in Paris.
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Executive Order 11446—Authorizing the Acceptance of Service Medals and Ribbons From Multilateral Organizations Other Than the United Nations
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Executive Order 11448—Establishing the Meritorious Service Medal
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Executive Order 11447—Interagency Advisory Committee on Compensation for Motor Vehicle Accident Losses
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Annual Message to the Congress: The Economic Report of the President
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for the Economic Report.
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at a Senate Reception Honoring the President and Mrs. Johnson.
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks Upon Presenting the Medal of Freedom to Secretary of State Dean Rusk
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks Upon Presenting the Medal of Honor to a Member of Each of the Armed Services
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program.
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Council on the Arts
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the National Science Foundation.
Jan 16, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Annual Message to the Congress Transmitting the Budget for the District of Columbia, Fiscal Year 1970.
Jan 17, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Executive Order 11449—Participation in the International Coffee Organization
Jan 17, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the District of Columbia Ceremony Honoring President and Mrs. Johnson.
Jan 17, 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Presentation of the National Medal of Science Awards for 1968.