Jimmy Carter photo

Announcement of an Office of Management and Budget Memorandum Proposing Improved Management Regarding Federal Audiovisual Activities

June 14, 1977

The Office of Management and Budget today sent to the heads of executive departments and agencies a proposal for improving the management of Federal audiovisual activities.

Proposed new policies contained in the memo are designed to bring about more effective use of facilities and materials throughout the Government in the audiovisual area.

This matter has concerned the President, and he asked that proposals be developed for more effective practices. Today's move is the first management step to ensure that all interested parties in the private sector as well as in the Federal agencies have adequate opportunity to participate in the decisionmaking process.

At the same time, a task force appointed by Cabinet officers continues to search for ways to reduce waste and inefficiency in this area of the Federal Government.

Jimmy Carter, Announcement of an Office of Management and Budget Memorandum Proposing Improved Management Regarding Federal Audiovisual Activities Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243720

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