THE PRESIDENT announced today that he had approved each of the reports on 17 investigations recently completed and submitted to him by the Tariff Commission. This is the largest group of reports submitted at any one time since the passage of the Tariff Act. Eight of them are on mining and industrial products and nine are on agricultural products.
Increases were made in the rates of duty on McKay sewed shoes and on fresh green peas. Decreases were specified on window glass, turned shoes, crude feldspar, green peppers, and eggplant. No change was made on cement, ground feldspar, lumber, crin vegetal, flax upholstery tow, Spanish moss, pens, gauge glass tubes, and shoes other than turned or the McKay sewed types, the last three because of the currency situation in England, the chief competing country. No change was specified in the rates of fresh tomatoes and green snap beans because of the Mexican currency situation, and on cucumbers, lima beans, okra, and pineapples no revision was proposed because of the abnormality of the cost periods or the difference in the seasons during which the domestic and foreign products are produced and marketed.
The report on window glass contained a reservation by one Commissioner. In the case of cement one Commissioner attached a short dissenting statement.
The new rates proclaimed by the President will be effective January 1, 1932.
Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Mexico, and Cuba, were the principal foreign countries concerned in the trade in these imports.
Senate resolutions were responsible for 10 of the investigations and applications from private sources led to 7 investigations. The accompanying tables summarize the details.
Note: The tables accompanying the statement are not printed but are available for examination at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.
On the same day, the White House issued the report of the United States Tariff Commission on tariff changes approved by the President.
Herbert Hoover, White House Statement on Reports of the United States Tariff Commission. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project