IN RESPONSE to the President's request, the Federal Bureau of Roads has completed a canvass of the whole roads program of the country, with a view to determining the volume of construction during the current calendar year in its relation to employment.
This inquiry reveals that Federal aid for 1931 is $259,897,000, as compared with $105,648,000 for 1930, an increased Federal program of $154,249,000. It shows as well that expenditures during the year 1931 for Federal aid, State and local roads combined, will be $1,616 million, as compared with an expenditure of $1,601 million for the calendar year 1930, an increase of $15 million.
Some States have increased their expenditures in 1931 over 1930, while others have made decreases. The most notable instances of increases are:
Louisiana $34, 450, 000
Wisconsin 19, 800, 000
Illinois 10, 250, 000
New York 8, 000, 000
Texas 7, 500, 000
Minnesota 7, 700, 000
Kentucky 6, 600, 000
Michigan 6, 500, 000
Oregon 6, 000, 000.
The total of all increases, as shown in the accompanying table, is $167,072,469. |
Several States, however, have materially decreased their road programs. The outstanding instances are:
Pennsylvania $29, 800, 000
Florida 21,150, 000
Tennessee 17, 900, 000
California 13, 900, 000.
The total of all State and local decreases for 1931 as compared with 1930, was $152,129,361. |
Note: The tables accompanying the statement are not printed here but are available for examination at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.
Herbert Hoover, White House Statement on Federal and State Expenditures for Road Programs. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project