Herbert Hoover photo

White House Statement on Committees and Commissions.

April 24, 1932

IN A BUSINESS so vast and complex as that of the Federal Government a large part of the research work necessarily is carried out by special commissions and committees, delegated to investigate a given subject and to report to the President or to the Congress. They also act for the coordination of Government activities, recommend policies, represent the Government abroad or at national functions, and exercise semi-judicial or semi-legislative powers delegated by the Congress.

A great majority of these commissions are created, not by the President but, by the Congress upon its own motion. All of the commissions created by the President are for temporary nonadministrative purposes as are also a large number of those created by the Congress.

The number of commissions set up under recent administrations are:

By Congress President Total

President Roosevelt 107

President Taft 63

President Wilson 75 75 150

President Harding 44

President Coolidge 74 44 118

President Hoover 22 20 42

A full list of the commissions and committees created under previous administrations was published as a Senate Document at the request of Senator Watson. 1

1 Senate Document 174, 71st Congress, 2d session.

Of the committees or commissions created by President Hoover himself none have entailed appropriations by Congress; all were temporary and all but three or four have completed their useful tasks. The following list comprises the committees or commissions under the Hoover administration:

1. COMMITTEE ON COORDINATION OF VETERANS SERVICES.--This was an interdepartmental committee and the result of its investigation and report was the consolidation of all veterans' services into the new Veterans' Administration with the result of an annual savings in expenditures of fully $10 million a year. The committee has completed its work and has been dismissed. (No expense to the Government.)

2. ADVISORY SHIPPING COMMITTEE.--This committee was appointed to advise upon the sale of certain steamship lines by the Government and the reorganization of others. The policies recommended have been followed with success. The committee has completed its work and has been dismissed. (No expense to the Government.)

3. CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION.--This commission was created in conjunction with the Governor of California for the coordination of State and Federal activities in water problems of the State of California. It has cost the Federal Government nothing. The commission has completed its work and has been dismissed. (No expense to the Government.)

4. NATIONAL DROUGHT COMMITTEE.--This committee was appointed to coordinate Federal, State, and other activities in the matter of drought relief and to recommend a national program. The result of its investigation was recommendations which led to the undertaking of relief by the Red Cross and appropriations by Congress for rehabilitation of agriculture from the drought. It represents no expenditure. The committee has completed its work and has been dismissed. (No expense to the Government.)

5. SAN FRANCISCO BRIDGE COMMISSION.--This commission was appointed in conjunction with the Governor of California to settle the conflict between Federal [and] State authorities in determination of the location of a bridge across San Francisco Bay. The commission settled this question which had been a matter of public dispute for over 10 years, and preparations are being made for the construction of the bridge. The commission cost the Federal Government nothing. It has completed its work and has been dismissed. (No expense to the Government.)

6. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' PREFERENCE.--This committee was set up to determine policies with respect to employment of disabled veterans and the method of preference to be given by Government departments. It made a report and Executive order has been issued placing the recommendations in action. The committee has completed its work and has been dismissed. (No expense to the Government.)

7. ADVISORY COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT STATISTICS.--This commission was appointed to advise the method by which unemployment statistics should be recruited by the Department of Labor under authority of Congress requiring the establishment of such service. The committee has made its recommendations, and they have been placed in action, and the committee dissolved. The committee has cost the Government nothing.

8. EMERGENCY UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE.--This committee was created to coordinate Government activities in employment programs in the depression and secure organization of committees throughout the country through adequate organization of local agencies to take care of distress during the depression. It made an effective contribution to the situation. (Practically no expense to the Government.)

9. INTERDEPARTMENTAL MAIL CONTRACT COMMITTEE.--This commission was appointed to coordinate the activities of the Department of Commerce, the Shipping Board, the Army and Navy in respect to marine mail contracts. It has passed upon and negotiated postal and other contracts which have resulted in agreements for the construction of nearly 500,000 tons of merchant ships. It is still functioning but costs the Government nothing.

10. RESEARCH COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL TRENDS.--This commission is engaged in research into various social questions which bear on immigration, hours of labor, and many kindred subjects. Its expenditures are being met by the Rockefeller Foundation.

11. WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON CHILD HEALTH AND PROTECTION.--This committee conducted investigations into child health and protection and directed the White House Conference on that subject and is engaged in follow-up activities throughout the country. Its expenditures have been met by the ARA [American Relief Administration] Children's Fund and there has been no expense to the Government. It has made a notable contribution to the welfare of children in coordination of national, State, and local activities. The conference has completed its task except publications. (No expense to the Government.)

12. WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON HOME BUILDING AND OWNERSHIP.--This committee is engaged in exhaustive investigation of housing conditions, financial and other methods for extension of homebuilding and homeownership. Its expenses are being paid by private subscription, and it costs the Government nothing.

13. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ILLITERACY.--This committee was created to coordinate the activities of the Federal Government with State governments and private agencies throughout the country in the elimination of illiteracy. It has carried on active campaigns, organized schools for adults, and has greatly contributed to the elimination of illiteracy. It has been supported by private subscription. (Task completed.)

14. COUNCIL OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION.--This is purely an interdepartmental committee to establish standards in Federal Government employment. (No cost to the Government.)

15. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION.--This committee is engaged in exhaustive study of problems of coordinating the different Government activities together with those of the States and municipalities in questions of education. The committee's expenditures are being paid by the Rosenwald Foundation.

16. TIMBER CONSERVATION BOARD.--This committee was created to study and advise on forestry policies with view to coordination of Federal, State, and private activities in conservation. It is supported by private subscription.

17. ANTI-HOARDING COMMITTEE.--This committee was created by the President in volunteer cooperation with leading business and civic organizations of the country for the purpose of stopping the hoarding of money during the economic depression. It cost the Federal Government nothing. (Task completed.)

18. COMMITTEE ON ABANDONED ARMY POSTS.--This committee is made up of departmental officials; was appointed to devise means of utilizing Army posts abandoned in the War Department retrenching program and cost the Federal Government nothing. (Task completed.)

19. COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF EDUCATION IN HAITI.--This committee was appointed by the Secretary of State and consists of prominent educators in the United States. It is making a study with a view to improving the educational system in Haiti. (Task completed and committee discharged.)

20. THE PRESIDENT'S UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF ORGANIZATION.--This commission was set up under Walter S. Gifford as director to cooperate with the States and municipalities in devising ways and means for the relief of unemployment during the winter of 1931-32. It took over the work of the Emergency Unemployment Committee which was set up at the outset of the economic depression arid has made a very distinctive contribution in the relief of the whole unemployment situation. ( Volunteer membership. )


21. LONDON NAVAL CONFERENCE.--This commission negotiated and completed a naval treaty for the limitation of navies. It has saved hundreds of millions of dollars to the American taxpayer and secured parity to the American Navy and brought about better international relationship to both Japan and Great Britain. (Task completed.)

22. THE HAITIAN COMMISSION.--This commission settled the terms of the withdrawal of the United States from Haiti and set up such arrangements within that island as prevented further revolution. This commission has completed its task and has been dismissed.

23. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON LAW OBSERVANCE AND ENFORCEMENT.--This commission has made exhaustive reports on the whole problem of law enforcement and the reorganization of the law enforcement machinery and the judiciary of the country. The commission in a report said that "Federal participation in enforcement has shown continued improvement since and as a consequence of the act of Congress of 1927 placing prohibition officers under civil service, and the act of 1930 transferring prohibition enforcement from the Treasury to the Department of Justice".

24. COMMISSION ON CONSERVATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC DOMAIN.-This commission has made a report on the conservation of western lands and ranges and recommendations for management and disposal of public lands. Its report has been completed and has been submitted to Congress.

25. THE FEDERAL FARM BOARD.--This commission was proposed by both the Republican and Democratic Conventions and was recommended by the President for the relief of agriculture. It is permanent and is designed to aid cooperative organizations of farmers to market their crops.

26. GENEVA ARMS LIMITATION CONFERENCE.--This commission was created by the President, with expenses provided for by the Congress for American participation in the General Arms Limitation Conference which began in Geneva in February 1932.

27. INTEROCEANIC CANAL BOARD.--This board is engaged in a survey of the Nicaraguan Canal.

28. MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY TERCENTENARY COMMISSION.--This commission represented the Federal Government in the celebration in Massachusetts. This commission has completed its task and has been dismissed.

29. NATIONAL MEMORIAL COMMISSION.--This commission was created by Congress for the erection of a building as tribute to the Negro achievements in America.

30. ICELAND--1,000TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ALTHING.--Commission created by Congress to attend the celebration representing the American Government. The commission has completed its task and has been dismissed.

31. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK BOUNDARY COMMISSION.--This commission was created to settle the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park. This completed its work and its report and recommendations sent to the Congress.

32. ALASKA HIGHWAY COMMISSION.--This commission was created by Congress to make a preliminary survey of the highway from continental United States to Alaska.

33. CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION.--Commission created by Congress to investigate and report with reference to the Federal Government's representation and participation in the celebration. Its report is now before Congress.


35. UNIVERSAL DRAFT COMMISSION.--Public Resolution No. 98 (71st Congress). Commission to study promotion of peace, equalization of burdens of war, and minimization of profits of war.

36. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FISCAL RELATIONS.--This committee to make full investigation of fiscal relations of the District of Columbia and the United States Government and to report its recommendations to the House.





Herbert Hoover, White House Statement on Committees and Commissions. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/207712

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