Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of September 17, 2019

September 17, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 12 times on September 17, 2019
Created: Tweets:
September 16, 2019
RT @FLOTUS: Proud to recognize Mariano Rivera at the @WhiteHouse today to receive the Medal of Freedom. We celebrate his incredible career'
Retweets: 11775
Favorites: 0
September 17, 2019
RT @WhiteHouse: Business creation is thriving in New Mexico!
Retweets: 6195
Favorites: 0
September 17, 2019
RT @WhiteHouse: Oil production is up an incredible 110 percent'PLUS New Mexico's entire mining and logging sector has seen a 40 percent in'
Retweets: 8407
Favorites: 0
September 17, 2019
Beautiful evening in New Mexico with Great American Patriots!
Retweets: 14163
Favorites: 54309
September 17, 2019
We are all united by the same love of Country the same devotion to family and the same profound faith that America is blessed by the eternal grace of ALMIGHTY GOD! Bound by these convictions we will campaign for every vote & we will WIN the Great State of NEW MEXICO in 2020!
Retweets: 21152
Favorites: 81375
September 17, 2019
If you want to stop the drug smugglers human traffickers and vicious MS-13 gang members from threatening our communities and poisoning our youth you have only one choice ' you must elect more REPUBLICANS! #KAG2020
Retweets: 17516
Favorites: 61147
September 17, 2019
The New York Times is at its lowest point in its long and storied history. Not only is it losing a lot of money but it is a journalistic disaster being laughed at even in the most liberal of enclaves. It has become a very sad joke all all over the World. Witch Hunt hurt them...
Retweets: 16816
Favorites: 75796
September 17, 2019
....'That story (Kavanaugh) is nowhere near the standard that should be met in publishing a story.' @brithume @FoxNews
Retweets: 10574
Favorites: 51450
September 17, 2019
Just departed New Mexico for California where we are delivering results!
Retweets: 11608
Favorites: 51488
September 17, 2019
RT @WhiteHouse: John Adams called the drafting of the Constitution'the bedrock of the rule of law for our Nation'"the greatest single effor'
Retweets: 10181
Favorites: 0
September 17, 2019
Such a beautiful Opening Statement by Corey Lewandowski! Thank you Corey! @CLewandowski_
Retweets: 13607
Favorites: 65275
September 17, 2019
Retweets: 20663
Favorites: 69486
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of September 17, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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