Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of May 10, 2017

May 10, 2017
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 9 times on May 10, 2017
Created: Tweets:
May 10, 2017
Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp
Retweets: 29846
Favorites: 96844
May 10, 2017
The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey including the fact that he should be fired but now they play so sad!
Retweets: 19595
Favorites: 77022
May 10, 2017
James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBI.
Retweets: 18385
Favorites: 80064
May 10, 2017
Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down they will be thanking me!
Retweets: 18002
Favorites: 74805
May 10, 2017
Watching Senator Richard Blumenthal speak of Comey is a joke. "Richie" devised one of the greatest military frauds in U.S. history. For....
Retweets: 15037
Favorites: 57754
May 10, 2017
years as a pol in Connecticut Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam - except he was never there. When....
Retweets: 14579
Favorites: 56941
May 10, 2017
caught he cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness...and now he is judge & jury. He should be the one who is investigated for his acts.
Retweets: 13771
Favorites: 61884
May 10, 2017
The Roger Stone report on @CNN is false - Fake News. Have not spoken to Roger in a long time - had nothing to do with my decision.
Retweets: 15780
Favorites: 58364
May 10, 2017
Dems have been complaining for months & months about Dir. Comey. Now that he has been fired they PRETEND to be aggrieved. Phony hypocrites!
Retweets: 25650
Favorites: 95996
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of May 10, 2017 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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