Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of August 22, 2015

August 22, 2015
Donald Trump tweeted 13 times on August 22, 2015
Created: Tweets:
August 22, 2015
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpRallyAL
Retweets: 3461
Favorites: 7782
August 22, 2015
.@jessebwatters, You did a great job hosting @oreillyfactor. Everybody loved it! Thank you for the nice words.
Retweets: 1875
Favorites: 3847
August 22, 2015
Alabama was great last night, amazing people. 30,000 folks was largest crowd of political season. Nice!
Retweets: 3273
Favorites: 7551
August 22, 2015
@crstin0516: @DanScavino @keraladubai @realDonaldTrump That chant gave me sweet, sweet chills!! #USA ???????? #America
Retweets: 1165
Favorites: 1953
August 22, 2015
@dojiedojie: @realDonaldTrump Keep talking Donald....The people want to hear it loud and clear!!!!!
Retweets: 1270
Favorites: 2098
August 22, 2015
.@politico covers me more inaccurately than any other media source, and that is saying something. They go out of their way to distort truth!
Retweets: 1466
Favorites: 2802
August 22, 2015
I had 15,000 people in Phoenix but @politico said "the rooms capacity is just over 2000." But said Bernie Sanders had 11,000 in same room.
Retweets: 1883
Favorites: 2977
August 22, 2015
Thank you to the @washingtonpost for the accurate and very discriptive story on my speech in Alabama last night. It was a great evening!
Retweets: 1640
Favorites: 3472
August 22, 2015
How is Bernie Sanders going to defend our country if he can't even defend his own microphone? Very sad!
Retweets: 5259
Favorites: 9179
August 22, 2015
It has just been confirmed by the City of Mobile, Alabama, that there were 30,000 people at last nights event, making it #1for pol season.
Retweets: 2607
Favorites: 5980
August 22, 2015
Now that I started my war on illegal immigration and securing the border, most other candidates are finally speaking up. Just politicians!
Retweets: 3737
Favorites: 8135
August 22, 2015
Jeb Bush is weak on illegal immigration, in favor of common core, bad on women's health issues and thinks the Iraq war was a good thing.
Retweets: 2718
Favorites: 5795
August 22, 2015
Jeb Bush has a photoshopped photo for an ad which gives him a black left hand and much different looking body. Jeb just can't get it right!
Retweets: 2805
Favorites: 4975
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of July 20, 2020

Donald J. Trump, Tweets of August 22, 2015 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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