Trump Campaign Press Release - What You Didn't Hear: Biden's Convention Speech?
As the Sunday Shows prepare to look back at Biden's DNC speech, here's a reminder of what he left out
BIDEN: "But while I will be a Democratic candidate, I will be an American president. I will work as hard for those who didn't support me as I will for those who did."
What Biden Left Out:
- In 2018, Joe Biden disparaged Trump supporters by referring to them as the "dregs of society"
- Biden has said that 50 million Americans are "not very good people"
- Biden has said that Trump voters "support the notion that...all Mexicans are rapists and Muslims are bad"
BIDEN: "And the assault on the Affordable Care Act will continue until its destroyed ... getting rid of the protections that President Obama and I passed for people who suffer from a pre-existing condition."
What Biden Left Out:
President Trump has vowed to always protect patients with pre-existing conditions
- Joe Biden wants to bring back Obamacare's individual mandate, forcing Americans to buy health insurance even if they don't want it
- Reinstating the individual mandate would be a tax increase on many middle class and lower-income Americans
BIDEN: "And speaking of President Obama, a man I was honored to serve alongside for 8 years as Vice President. Let me take this moment to say something we don't say nearly enough. Thank you, Mr. President. You were a great president."
What Biden Left Out:
- Barack Obama "quietly pressured" Biden "to sit out" the 2016 race
- Obama spoke to Biden "a half dozen times" ahead of his 2020 campaign, telling him "you don't have to do this, Joe"
- Obama refused to endorse Biden until he locked up the nomination
- Biden aides admit "Obama didn't do nearly as much for Biden in 2020 as he did for Clinton in 2016"
BIDEN: "So we will never again be at the mercy of China and other foreign countries in order to protect our own people."
What Biden Left Out:
- Biden pushed for and repeatedly voted to give China "most-favored nation" trade status, offshoring American jobs and manufacturing
- Biden said that "a rising China is an incredibly positive development" for the U.S. and that "China is not our enemy"
- President Trump has signed executive orders to ensure the U.S. is not reliant on foreign countries for medicines and medical materials
- President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to produce the ventilators we need here in the U.S.
BIDEN: "Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to this nation. He failed to protect us. He failed to protect America."
What Biden Left Out:
- Dr. Fauci praised President Trump's China travel ban as a "very smart move" and said there is "no question" there would have been more cases if President Trump did not institute a travel ban
- Biden has been slow to respond to Coronavirus, calling for Coronavirus tests to be free after President Trump signed legislation to do just
- Biden claimed he called for the Defense Production Act "before anyone," however Biden first called for it after President Trump had already announced plans to invoke it
- Biden called for testing in all 50 states two weeks after tests were already available in every state
- Biden called for cooperation over politics after multiple governors praised President Trump's response to Coronavirus
BIDEN: "With a health care system that lowers premiums, deductibles, and drug prices by building on the Affordable Care Act he's trying to rip away."
What Biden Left Out:
- The Obama-Biden Administration caved to Big PhRMA and made a deal to block drug importation, protecting drug makers in exchange for a $150 million Obamacare advertising campaign
- Last year, drug prices were 13 percent below where they were projected to be before President Trump took office according to the Council of Economic Advisers
- When Biden was Vice President, average premiums for Obamacare plans increased every single year
- Under President Trump, average benchmark premiums for Obamacare plans have decreased two years in a row
BIDEN: "With an education system that trains our people for the best jobs of the 21st century, where cost doesn't prevent young people from going to college, and student debt doesn't crush them when they get out."
What Biden Left Out:
- Biden is against school choice, turning his back on children trapped in failing schools
- Biden has said he is "not a charter school fan" and pledged that charter schools will be "gone" if he is elected president
- While Biden's own children went to private school, he will deny this same opportunity to other children
- Biden personally made it harder to discharge student loans in bankruptcy
- Biden was the "key architect" of the 2005 Bankruptcy Law, which is largely responsible for creating today's student debt crisis
BIDEN: "With an immigration system that powers our economy and reflects our values."
What Biden Left Out:
- Biden wants to give amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants, while giving them health insurance, federal student aid, and even suggesting they receive Social Security benefits
- Biden would halt all deportations, even for violent criminals
- Biden supports sanctuary cities, undermining the rule of law and our legal immigration system
- Biden raised his hand last year when asked if illegal border crossings should be decriminalized
BIDEN: "It's not only a crisis, it's an enormous opportunity. An opportunity for America to lead the world in clean energy and create millions of new good-paying jobs in the process."
What Biden Left Out:
- Biden has made clear – he wants to "end" fossil fuels, saying they would have "no place" in a Biden presidency
- Biden has said he would "love to make sure we can't use any oil or gas, period" and that he would "make sure" fossil fuels and fracking are "eliminated"
- Last year, Biden admitted that he would "sacrifice" economic growth and "hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs" for a "greener economy"
- Over 10.3 million American jobs are supported by the oil and gas industry
- Biden's plan to ban new energy development on federal lands alone would threaten an estimated 268,000 jobs
- Biden's energy plan will "increase prices at the gasoline pump and raise utility bills" for Americans
BIDEN: "And we can pay for these investments by ending loopholes and the president's $1.3 trillion tax giveaway to the wealthiest 1 percent and the biggest, most profitable corporations, some of which pay no tax at all."
What Biden Left Out:
- Biden would raise taxes by $4 trillion, the largest tax hike in history
- 82 percent of Americans would see a tax hike under Biden
- Biden promised that the first thing he will do when entering office is to repeal President Trump's tax cuts
BIDEN: "For our seniors, Social Security is a sacred obligation, a sacred promise made"
What Biden Left Out:
- Biden has a long history of calling for cuts to Social Security
- In 1984, Biden supported a freeze on federal spending including Social Security
- In 1995, Biden advocated for cuts to federal spending which included Social Security
- In 2007, Biden said that the U.S. is "going to have to make some tough decisions" on Social Security
- President Trump stands with America's seniors and has vowed to always protect Social Security and Medicare
BIDEN: "I will make it clear to our adversaries the days of cozying up to dictators are over."
What Biden Left Out:
- Biden has continually boasted about the amount of time he has spent with Chinese President Xi Jinping
- Biden palled around with Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro when he met him in 2015, even making a joke about his hair instead of standing up for the Venezuelan people
- Biden has vowed to normalize relations with Cuba and its brutal dictatorship
- Biden would reinstate the Iran nuclear deal, emboldening the radical Iranian regime and endangering American and Israeli lives
BIDEN: "Under President Biden, America will not turn a blind eye to Russian bounties on the heads of American soldiers."
What Biden Left Out:
- The top general in the Middle East. General Kenneth McKenzie, said that he wasn't convinced that Russia had placed bounties on American soldiers
- Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that the intelligence could not be corroborated
- The National Security Agency said that the intelligence could not be verified
- Despite the lack of evidence, the Trump Administration still warned Russia
BIDEN: "Winning it for the generous among us, not the selfish. Winning it for the workers who keep this country going, not just the privileged few at the top."
What Biden Left Out:
- As Vice President, Biden led the slowest economic "recovery" since the Great Depression
- Biden has repeatedly supported job-killing trade deals throughout his career, putting the interests of America's blue collar workers second
- In 2000, Biden voted to give China "most favored nation" trade status, killing 3.2 million jobs
- Biden voted for NAFTA killed 850,000 U.S. jobs
- Biden was a "key surrogate" for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which would have cost 448,000 American jobs and shrank the economy
- Biden supports regulations that would kill jobs and devastate American workers
BIDEN: "Remember what the president said? There were quote, 'very fine people on both sides.' It was a wake-up call for us as a country."
What Biden Left Out:
- President Trump never called white supremacists in Charlottesville 'very fine people,' explicitly saying at the time that they should be condemned "totally"
- President Trump has repeatedly and vocally denounced hate, racism, anti-Semitism, and white supremacy
- Biden has been called out on a similar lie before, with fact-checkers pointing out that President Trump has repeatedly condemned hate groups and white supremacists
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Trump Campaign Press Release - What You Didn't Hear: Biden's Convention Speech? Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/345596