Trump Campaign Press Release - [Trump Campaign] FACT CHECK: After Charlottesville, President Trump Specifically and "Totally" Condemned "Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists"
Joe Biden has repeatedly invoked the false claim that President Trump praised white supremacists in Charlottesville. As CNN's Jake Tapper has said, President Trump did not call neo-Nazis or white supremacists "very fine people."
CNN's Jake Tapper debunked this stating that President Trump did in fact condemn Neo-Nazi's at Charlottesville.
Fox News' Brit Hume debunked the "very fine people" lie.
FactCheck.org found that President Trump condemned white supremacy and Neo-Nazis.
In USA Today, James S. Robbins wrote that President Trump's "both sides" comments were "miscast" And "quickly became a tool to denounce the president and stoke racial division."
President Trump has repeatedly and specifically denounced racism, extremism, anti-Semitism, and white supremacists. Here are just a few examples:
TRUMP: "The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil." (February 21, 2017)
TRUMP: "Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms." (April 11, 2017)
TRUMP: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America." (August 14, 2017)
TRUMP: "The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division... I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence." (August 11, 2018)
TRUMP: "We forcefully condemn the evil of anti-Semitism and hate. It must be defeated." (April 27, 2019)
[This document, like all the others identified as "Trump Campaign Press Releases" was entirely prepared by the Trump Campaign. This includes no independent research or fact-checking by the American Presidency Project. Interested users can also see in our archive President Trump's remarks to reporters on 08/12/2017, 08/15/2017 and 04/26/2019.]
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Trump Campaign Press Release - [Trump Campaign] FACT CHECK: After Charlottesville, President Trump Specifically and "Totally" Condemned "Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/344018