Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Press Release - Joe Biden Preaches Unity in Gettysburg Despite Decades of Trafficking in Hate

October 06, 2020

His own running-mate has called him out for 47 years of racial bigotry.

Joe Biden gave a speech in Gettysburg today lecturing Americans on "unity" and joining together to overcome challenges. The whole episode was a farce, as there are few people who've fanned the flames of hatred and division more viciously than Joe Biden during his 47 years in the D.C. swamp.

Biden's speech today and his entire campaign were built on the lie that President Trump hasn't condemned white supremacy outright. That's an ugly lie meant to cause fear and division so that Biden can get votes. Trafficking in hate and division is not a new tactic for Biden. His record speaks for itself.

Those appalling statements are just a small part of Biden's long history of fanning the flames of hatred and division. It's no wonder that at the end of Biden's five decades in Washington, 69% of Americans – an all-time high – said that race relations were mostly bad.

Trafficking in hatred and division to get votes is the only political tactic Joe Biden knows how to employ. His own running-mate, Kamala Harris, once agreed that no one should be taking lectures on racial justice from Joe Biden. Now that she is on the ticket, she's abandoned all of her past criticisms of Biden's decades-long support for racist policies and segregationists.

The notion that Joe Biden is some sort of racial healer is a total joke. He spent decades building the systems of mass incarceration that disproportionately hurt Black Americans, then failed to make any meaningful changes during his eight years as vice president. Now, President Trump is fixing the mess that Joe Biden created.

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - Joe Biden Preaches Unity in Gettysburg Despite Decades of Trafficking in Hate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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