The President. Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. Hawke -- Bob and Hazel to us, to all of you -- we are just delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you back to Washington, sir. I would once more reminisce about the fondness with which I remember our visit to Australia a few years ago, and then, of course, your own previous visits to Washington, DC, as Prime Minister. And now we have been delighted with your gracious company during this all-too-brief stay.
And lest you wonder about the Prime Minister's travel plans, it is my understanding that he and Hazel go right to the airport, climb onto an airplane, and will be seen smiling and greeting the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany about 1 p.m. Federal Republic of Germany time. So, we will be brief, and -- [laughter]. But I think the friendship that we feel towards our distinguished visitor is but a reflection of a deeper closeness.
Wilbur Garrett, the editor of the National Geographic, wrote that, "Both America and Australia exert an enduring fascination on each other, like brothers growing up in different parts of the world." Well, we've borne great sacrifices as brothers in war, and now we share great responsibilities as brothers in peace. And in this century, Australia has risen in stature from a dominion of England to become a nation, a great nation, in culture and in the arts. The world has taken
Note: The President spoke at 9:25 p.m. in the State Dining Room at the White House. In his remarks, the Prime Minister referred to Sarah Farish, a Bush family friend.
George Bush, Toasts at the State Dinner for Prime Minister Robert Hawke of Australia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project