McLean, VA -Thompson for President Communications Director Todd Harris today released the following statement about Mike Huckabee's liberal immigration record:
"With his new campaign ad featuring Chuck Norris, Mike Huckabee has confused celebrity endorsement with serious policy. What would Huckabee do to secure America's border against millions of illegal immigrants pouring into our country? According to his ad, 'Two words: Chuck Norris.'
"It's appropriate that Chuck Norris would co-star in an ad with Mike Huckabee, given Huckabee has been 'Missing in Action' on the issue of illegal immigration his entire career. As governor of Arkansas, Huckabee called supporters of a bill that would forbid voting rights for illegal immigrants 'racist' and 'bigots.' Huckabee's position on immigration is closer to Ted Kennedy than to conservatives.
"Here are a few 'HuckFacts' that show Mike Huckabee wasn't serious about stopping illegal immigration when he was governor of Arkansas and isn't serious today."
Supported giving in-state tuition at state colleges and scholarships to illegal immigrant students.
"Another bill in the draft stages, backed by Gov. Mike Huckabee, would make illegal aliens eligible for state-funded scholarships and in-state tuition if they graduate from high school in Arkansas." (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1/27/05)
Opposed plan in Arkansas to forbid voting rights to illegal immigrants; Described the plan as "race-baiting. "
When Republican state senators in Arkansas proposed legislation modeled after Arizona's Proposition 200, "Huckabee described it as 'inflammatory ... race-baiting ... demagoguery.' He said the bill, which seeks to forbid public assistance and voting rights to illegal immigrants, 'inflames those who are racist and bigots and makes them think there's a real problem. But there's not.'" (Associated Press, 2/3/05)
Huckabee opposed Bush Administration's raids on employers of illegal immigrants.
"Gov. Mike Huckabee says he's not afraid of risking his political future by speaking out against a recent immigration raid at an Arkadelphia poultry plant even though calls to his office have been 'about 1,000 to one' against his stance... Friday, Huckabee said his repeated calls to Immigration and Customs and Enforcement officials about the raid have gone unanswered and he has asked the Bush administration to investigate the circumstances of the raid." (Associated Press, 8/5/05)
Fred Thompson, Thompson Campaign Press Release - Statement by Communications Director Todd Harris Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project