Thompson Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It...Larry Kudlow: "The New Fire in Fred's Belly"
"A revitalized Thompson has an honest, clear, straightforward message of economic freedom and problem solving."
The New Fire in Fred's Belly
By Larry Kudlow
National Review
November 19, 2007
An energetic and forceful Fred Thompson sat down with me last week on Kudlow and Company to talk politics and the economy. The former Tennessee senator was in good form -- more animated than I've seen him, and definitely a different person than the one I interviewed six months ago.
I asked him about Dick Armey, the former Republican House majority leader. Armey recently predicted that Hillary Clinton will be the next president, reasoning that the GOP has departed from the first principles of limited government and lower taxes. Armey said budget overspending and the proliferating corruption of earmarks are what led to the landslide defeat of Republicans a year ago. To date, Dick Armey is unimpressed with the circa 2007 GOP message.
And Thompson agreed. He said, "If we don't tend to business we are going to be in big trouble. Pendulum's swinging against us. We are down in the polls. Independents are leaning the other way [where they] used to lean with us. So we've got to . . . adhere to the principles that made us a great party and a great nation."
That was a strong dose of honesty and self-examination. Good for Fred Thompson.
Speaking of limited government and budget overspending, I asked if a President Thompson would veto the $300 billion earmark-pocked pork-barrel farm bill now before Congress. He called this legislation "disgraceful," noted that it wouldn't even help small family farms, and that it would block the expansion of world free trade.
When I asked him about Warren Buffett, the famous investor billionaire, Thompson turned up the heat. In testimony before the Senate last week, Buffett advocated a whole series of tax hikes, such as an increase in the death tax, higher capital gains and dividend taxes, and more taxes on private partnerships, hedge funds, and private-equity buyout firms. Thompson labeled this policy dead wrong. He said Buffett is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democratic party. He argued that the wealth of the government is the not the same thing as the wealth of nations, and that history proves lower tax rates promote economic growth....
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Fred Thompson, Thompson Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It...Larry Kudlow: "The New Fire in Fred's Belly" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295705