THE PRESIDENT. [1.] I want to announce the appointment of Francis Biddle to represent the United States on the International Court to try war criminals. Federal Judge John J. Parker is his alternate.
I announce the appointment of E. Barrett Prettyman of Washington, D.C., to succeed Justin Miller as Associate Justice of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
Q. Justin what?
THE PRESIDENT. Justin Miller. Mr. Ross will have you a release on their lives and who they are succeeding, and everything, after this is over.
I announce the appointment of former Senator Bennett Champ Clark to be Associate Justice of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, succeeding Thurman Arnold, resigned.
I announce the appointment of Wilbur K. Miller to be an Associate Justice of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to succeed Fred M. Vinson.
Q. Miller--where from?
THE PRESIDENT. Owensboro, Kentucky.
Q. Wilbur K., sir?
THE PRESIDENT. Wilbur K., W-i-l-b-u-r.
Q. What's that court again?
THE PRESIDENT. United States Court of Appeals.
I am appointing Alexander Holtzoff of Chicago to be Associate Justice of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia.
Q. H-e-r-t--
THE PRESIDENT. Holtzoff, H-o-l-t-z-o-f-f.
Q. Where does he live?
THE PRESIDENT. He lives here in Washington. Biographical sketches will be given out by the press office.
I'm appointing John J. O'Connell of Pittsburgh to be Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, a new position created by the Congress. He lives at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
I announce the appointment of Harrington Wimberly of Oklahoma to be a member of the Federal Power Commission, succeeding--
Q. Wimberly?
THE PRESIDENT. W-i-m-b-e-r-l-y.
Q. Where from?
THE PRESIDENT. Altus, Oklahoma--A-l-t-u-s.
Q. To be a member of the Federal Power Commission?
THE PRESIDENT. Yes, succeeding Basil Manly, and you will be furnished details on that by Mr. Ross.
Q. Succeeding Basil Manly?
THE PRESIDENT. Yes. Manly's resignation takes place--is effective the 1st of October.
Q. Does the Commission elect its own chairman?
I announce the appointment of Richard Sachse to be a member of the Federal Power Commission, succeeding John W. Scott.
Q. Spelled how, sir?
THE PRESIDENT [after a pause]. S-a-c-h-s-e. I had to look that up.
Q. Succeeding John W.--
THE PRESIDENT. Succeeding John W. Scott Sachse is from California; I don't know what town. He's on the Railroad Commission of the State of California. I don't know what his home town is; I think he lives in southern California, though.
I announce the resignation of Elmer Davis. Neil Dalton has been appointed to carry out the liquidation of the Office of War Information. You will find an exchange of letters on that.
Q. Do you know where Mr. Dalton is from?
Voice: Louisville.
Q. D-a-l-t-o-n?
THE PRESIDENT. D-a-l-t-o-n.
Q. N-e-i-l?
THE PRESIDENT. Yes, Neil Dalton.
Gael E. Sullivan to be Second Assistant Postmaster General in the place of Smith Purdum, effective October 1st. Don't seem to have anything on him. He takes the place of Smith Purdum.
Q. How do you spell that last name?
THE PRESIDENT. Gael Sullivan, G-a-e-i S-u-l-l-i-v-a-n. He takes the place of Purdum, P-u-r-d-u-m.
Q. Where is Mr. Sullivan from, Mr. President?
[2.] Q. Mr. President, can you tell us the reason why Justice Roberrs turned down the job on the International Court?
THE PRESIDENT. To quote Justice Roberts himself, he wanted to take it, but he said he had been working so long and so continuously that he thought he was entitled to a rest and he would rather not take it, so we had to let him off.
[3.] Q. Would you tell us what you think of the Senate attitude on the unemployment compensation bill?
THE PRESIDENT. My statement is in the message. When the bill comes to me I will comment on it.
[4.] Q. The view was expressed in some quarters that the United States ought not to extend financial assistance to Britain because it would be underwriting a Socialist government. What is your thought on that?
THE PRESIDENT. I think it is a perfectly silly conclusion. [Laughter]
Q. Mr. President, may we quote you on that?
THE PRESIDENT. Yes. That is just what I think. Great Britain is entitled to the sort of government Great Britain wants, and I think it is none of our affair so long as we are friendly with Great Britain.
[5.] Q. Mr. President, there's a feeling in Australia that the Japanese are getting rather kid-glove treatment. In view of the fact that Australia is very near Japan, they are very much worried. Would you like to comment on that?
THE PRESIDENT. I think the government will be worked out in the manner that it should be worked out, and I think if Australia will be just a little patient she will be satisfied with what is done.
[6.] Q. There seems to be some question about Korea, the use of Japanese overlords there to administer their government; is that a theater decision or a Washington decision?
THE PRESIDENT. It is a theater decision and it is a practical matter. As soon as it is possible to remove the Japanese, they will be removed. The policy toward Korea will be announced later.
Q. Would you have any comment, sir, on that announcement that the Japanese will be removed in due time? That might mean a day, a month, or a year. Would you like to put a limitation on the time?
THE PRESIDENT. What do you mean?
Q. Would you like to put a limitation on it to a month or a year?
THE PRESIDENT. I would suggest that you ask General MacArthur what the conditions are. He can tell you better than anyone else.
[7.] Q. Mr. President, this morning's Post has an editorial saying it thinks you ought to appoint a lot of Republicans. Would you--
THE PRESIDENT. I'm a Democrat. [Laughter]
Q. Would you tell us, sir--perhaps--do you have an analysis in your own mind as to the appointments you made this morning?
THE PRESIDENT. I have not. I didn't appoint them from a political point of view but for their fitness for the place.
Q. Are you a Democrat, Mr. President, who is going to the left, or to the right?
THE PRESIDENT. You'll have to work that out by the acts as they come forward. I'll give you no leads on that.
[8.] Q. Mr. President, is there anything to add on your trip south in November to North Carolina and Georgia?
THE PRESIDENT. I'm going down there to pay a visit to the district of Mr. Doughton--a promise which I made while I was Vice President. It has no connection with his place with the Ways and Means Committee of the House. He and I have been friends for a long time.
[9.] Q. Do you expect to attend the Annapolis centennial on October 10?
THE PRESIDENT. I have been trying to make arrangements to attend; I don't want to say definitely that I will go.
[10.] Q. Dispatches out of Turkey this morning claim you had sent a communication on the Dardanelles.
THE PRESIDENT. I read that communication at Potsdam. It is a communication for the foreign ministers conference in London.
Q. In the meantime you have informed Turkey of your position?
THE PRESIDENT. Not that I know of. I have had no direct communication with Turkey.
[11.] Q. Have you decided on the labor delegate to the International Labor Organization?
THE PRESIDENT. That is a matter that the Labor Department will decide.
Q. Mr. President, is there anything you can tell us about the Solicitor General appointment?
THE PRESIDENT. Not yet. I will be able to make an announcement on that in a few days.
Q. And the Supreme Court?
THE PRESIDENT. I am still considering men for the Supreme Court. I have reached no decision.
Q. Is Judge Clark under consideration for that?
THE PRESIDENT. I don't want to answer that question.
Q. There are reports that Mr. Stimson is retiring.
THE PRESIDENT. That is a matter for Mr. Stimson to announce at the proper time. I have no comment to make on that now.
Voice: Thank you, Mr. President.
THE PRESIDENT. You're welcome.
Note: President Truman's twenty-fifth news conference was held in his office in the White House at 10:32 a.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 1945.
Harry S Truman, The President's News Conference Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project