THE DIRECTOR of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service has reported to me on the status of the current dispute between the major companies in the basic steel industry and the United Steel Workers of America, CIO. It appears that the parties are deadlocked and that there is no likelihood of a settlement through negotiations, with the aid of mediation, before July 16, when strike action is contemplated by the union.
The basic steel industry occupies a strategic and vital position in the economy of the Nation. A cessation of work and operations in that industry would have grave consequences, and would interfere with the attainment of our national objectives.
In view of these circumstances, I am requesting the parties to continue work and operations under the terms of the collective bargaining agreements now in effect for a period of sixty days from July 16, 1949. I am appointing a Board consisting of three public members to investigate and to inquire into the issues in dispute and to report to me thereon within forty-five days from July 16, 1949, with their recommendations to the parties as to fair and equitable terms of settlement.
I earnestly request all parties to the dispute to accept this proposal and will appreciate a prompt reply.
Note: This is the text of identical telegrams sent to the following persons: Charles M. White, president, Republic Steel Corporation, Archie J. McFarland, president, Wheeling Steel Corporation, Frank Purnell, president, Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, Benjamin F. Fairless, president, United States Steel Corporation, Arthur B. Homer, president, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Ben Moreell, president, Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, and Philip Murray, president, United Steelworkers of America.
See also Item 153.
Harry S Truman, Telegram Urging Management and Labor Leaders To Postpone the Steel Strike. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project