Telegram to the President of the United States Chamber of Commerce on Assistance Given Flood Disaster Areas.
Mr. Boyd Campbell
President of the Chamber of Commerce
of the United States
Washington, D.C.
Thank you very much for writing me about the actions taken by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States to assist in alleviating the damage caused by the recent floods in the northeastern United States.
The generous response of Americans in all walks of life to appeals for assistance in this catastrophe has been most heartwarming. It is additionally gratifying to know that American businesses and industries, acting individually and through trade associations, plan still further assistance to their associates in the flooded areas so that their return to normal activity may be hastened, and their tremendous losses may be quickly overcome.
Such a demonstration of goodwill and cooperation will not only provide evidence of the fine spirit underlying our economic system but will also add to the very strength of that system.
I wish you all possible success in carrying out this program.
Note: This telegram was released at Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, Colo.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Telegram to the President of the United States Chamber of Commerce on Assistance Given Flood Disaster Areas. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project