My attention has been called to a statement respecting pending cruiser legislation appearing in this morning's press. I have made no public or private statement upon this question further than appeared during the campaign. I have stated universally to various callers that it would be improper for me to express any views on current matters of the administration. I regret if this reticence should result in misapprehension. As you know, I warmly support your own views and you may so inform others if you wish to do so.
[The President, The White House, Washington, D.C.]
NOTE: This statement was in repudiation of an allegation by Representative Fred A. Britten, Chairman of the House Committee on Naval Affairs. He had implied that the President-elect favored legislation providing for the laying of keels for 15 cruisers over a period of 3 years, in contradiction to the position held by President Coolidge. A copy of Mr. Hoover's telegram was sent from the White House to Senator Frederick Hale who read it on the floor of the Senate.
Herbert Hoover, Telegram to President Coolidge on Cruiser Legislation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project