Joe Biden

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Sale of 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline to Reduce Prices at the Pump Ahead of July 4

May 22, 2024

With Memorial Day weekend and the start of the summer driving season around the corner, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking action to lower gas prices with the sale of one million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve. This builds on other actions by President Biden to lower gas and energy costs—including historic releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the largest-ever investment in clean energy. While Congressional Republicans fight to preserve tax breaks for Big Oil at the expense of hardworking families, President Biden is advancing a more secure, affordable, and clean energy future to lower utility bills while record American energy production helps meet our immediate needs.

Joseph R. Biden, Statement by the Press Secretary on the Sale of 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline to Reduce Prices at the Pump Ahead of July 4 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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