Statement by the President Upon Signing Joint Resolution To Provide for Settlement of the Railroad Strike.
THE MEASURE I have just signed brings a hopeful solution to this Nation in an hour of industrial crisis.
It should remove a grave threat to the security and well-being of every one of us.
We hope and believe that the rail strike which now paralyzes this country will be brought to an end at the earliest possible moment.
This will enable the products of our farms and factories to move freely once more.
This will enable the mails to be delivered once again.
It will permit vitally needed arms and supplies to be sent to our fighting forces in Vietnam--without interruption.
Most importantly, it provides the special machinery to settle fairly and finally the long dispute which caused this strike.
We had hoped that the parties would reach their own agreement, without the need for legislation.
But for more than a year, companies and unions alike were unable to find a solution-despite the help of three special boards., Members of Congress, and the Secretary of Labor.
The result of that disagreement was a damaging and crippling strike. That strike is harming our Nation and jeopardizing the welfare of men in the Armed Forces throughout the world.
And so there comes a time when the public interest must prevail. It does so in the law I sign tonight.
The Nation owes much to the leadership and Members of both parties of Congress for their swift and overwhelming response to America's clear need.
Once again, in crisis, the public interest has been protected and well served.
We hope this crippling strike is about to end. And as its shadow lifts, we must begin anew the work of harmony and reason on which the greatness of our democracy is built.
Note: As enacted, the joint resolution (SJ. Res. 81) is Public Law 90-54 (81 Stat. 122).
On July 16 the President signed Executive Order 11362 "Providing for the Use of Transportation Priorities and Allocations During the Current Railroad Strike" (3 Weekly Comp. Pres. Does, p. 1022 ; 32 F.R. 10495; 3 CFR, 1967 Comp., p. 308).
Lyndon B. Johnson, Statement by the President Upon Signing Joint Resolution To Provide for Settlement of the Railroad Strike. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/238130