Lyndon B. Johnson photo

Statement by the President on the Proposed Pilot Health and Housing Project in Washington.

January 20, 1968

I BELIEVE this project can offer badly needed health and housing care for the elderly and the poor in Washington. I hope it will serve as an example for other cities which lack adequate health care in poverty areas.

The National Medical Association deserves great credit for taking the lead in sponsoring this project. It is an example of how concerned citizens in a voluntary association can work with government to solve urgent problems.

Note: The President's statement was made public as part of a White House release announcing the pilot health and housing project for the elderly and poor in Washington which the President covered in greater detail in his remarks to the press on the same day (see Item 19). The release is printed in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (vol. 4, p. 99).

Lyndon B. Johnson, Statement by the President on the Proposed Pilot Health and Housing Project in Washington. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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