JOHN FOSTER DULLES is dead. A lifetime of labor for world peace has ended. His countrymen and all who believe in justice and the rule of law grieve at the passing from the earthly scene of one of the truly great men of our time.
Throughout his life, and particularly during his eventful six years as Secretary of State, his courage, his wisdom, and his friendly understanding were devoted to bettering relations among nations. He was a foe only to tyranny.
Because he believed in the dignity of men and in their brotherhood under God, he was an ardent supporter of their deepest hopes and aspirations. From his life and work, humanity will, in the years to come, gain renewed inspiration to work ever harder for the attainment of the goal of peace with justice. In the pursuit of that goal, he ignored every personal cost and sacrifice, however great.
We, who were privileged to work with him, have lost a dear and close friend as all Americans have lost a champion of freedom. United, we extend to Mrs. Dulles, to her children and to all members of the Dulles family our prayers and deepest sympathy, and the assurance that in our memories will live affection, respect and admiration for John Foster Dulles.
Note: In addition to the foregoing statement, released at Gettysburg, Pa., the President issued Proclamation 3295 (24 F.R. 4199) which provided that, in grateful tribute to Mr. Dulles, the flag of the United States should be flown at half-staff on all Government buildings in the United States and in foreign countries until interment.
On July 15 the President issued Executive Order 10828 (24 F.R. 5735) designating the airport being built in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties of Virginia as the Dulles International Airport.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Statement by the President on the Death of John Foster Dulles. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project