Today I have signed into law H.J. Res. 170, the Twelfth Continuing Resolution for fiscal year 1996.
House Joint Resolution 170 provides for a temporary extension of appropriations, through April 24, for activities funded in the five appropriations bills that have not been enacted into law. Thus, it prevents a third government shutdown.
Full-year funding is provided for the Federal payment to the District of Columbia and the Federal contribution to the District's retirement funds. Language is included to permit the seven unions of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to continue to represent FAA employees and to bargain collectively on their behalf.
I commend the Congress for providing $198 million to cover the costs of civilian implementation of the Dayton Peace accords in Bosnia. Subject to certain conditions, these funds will be available to finance civilian programs identified for the rest of fiscal year 1996. The commanders of the United States military units that are part of the NATO-led Bosnia Peace Implementation Force (IFOR) have strongly urged that the Congress make these funds available expeditiously in order to support their military mission. This bill provides an appropriately prompt response to their request.
In addition, the provision of this $198 million will enable the United States, as provided for in this bill, to mobilize broad international support for economic revitalization at an aid donor's conference on Bosnia, scheduled for mid-April. In sum, the bill demonstrates bipartisan support for the kind of American leadership abroad that serves our country well.
Despite this accomplishment, we are now halfway through the fiscal year, and the Congress still has not completed the work it should have done six months ago. That is a disservice to the American people.
While this is taking place, school districts around the country are facing the possibility of teacher layoffs, environmental clean-ups are being delayed, and States, local governments, and government contractors must contend with continuing uncertainty as they seek to provide critical services to the public.
My Administration has been working with the Congress in an effort to resolve our differences on funding levels for education, the environment, and other key priorities, as well as on numerous special interest legislative riders. We have made some progress in our discussions, but many difficult issues remain to be resolved.
It is time for the Congress to do its job. I call on the Congress to meet its responsibilities by sending me legislation for the remaining fiscal year 1996 appropriations bills in an acceptable form.
I hope that this will prove to be the final continuing resolution for fiscal 1996, and I intend to continue working with the Congress to ensure that it is.
The White House,
March 29, 1996.
NOTE: H.J. Res. 170, approved March 29, was assigned Public Law No. 104-122.
William J. Clinton, Statement on Signing the Twelfth Continuing Resolution Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project