Today I am signing into law S. 1623, the "Audio Home Recording Act of 1992," which will benefit American consumers, creators, and innovators.
S. 1623 will ensure that American consumers have access to equipment embodying the new digital audio recording technology. It also protects the legitimate rights of our songwriters, performers, and recording companies to be fairly rewarded for their tremendous talent, expertise, and capital investment. This will be accomplished by fairly compensating these artists for the copying of their works and by creating a system that will prevent unfettered copying of digital audio tapes.
This legislation sends an important message to unscrupulous competitors abroad. We will not stand by and allow the creativity and ingenuity of our people to be unfairly copied. We will vigorously fight attempts to copy the cutting-edge technologies developed by our biotechnology, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries; to copy our sought-after books, movies, and computer programs; and to copy the trademarks that represent the quality of the goods for which we are famous. We will protect the American jobs and exports represented by these American innovations.
George Bush
The White House,
October 28, 1992.
Note: S. 1623, approved October 28, was assigned Public Law No. 102 - 563. This statement was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on October 29.
George Bush, Statement on Signing the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project