McLean, VA - Senator Thompson released the following statement today regarding the West Virginians for Life endorsement of his candidacy for President:
"I'm deeply appreciative for their endorsement," said Thompson. "In supporting me, those who have worked tirelessly to defend life are supporting a consistent conservative who has stood with them yesterday, who stands with them today, and will stand with them tomorrow."
Fred Thompson is pro-life. He believes in the sanctity of human life and that every life is worthy of respect. He had a 100% pro-life voting record in the Senate and believes Roe v. Wade was a bad decision that ought to be overturned. He consistently opposed federal funding to promote or pay for abortion and supported the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, the Child Custody Protection Act, and President Reagan's Mexico City policy. While Fred Thompson supports adult stem cell research, he opposes embryonic stem cell research. He also opposes human cloning.
West Virginians for Life is the West Virginia state affiliate for the National Right to Life Committee.
Fred Thompson, Statement by Fred Thompson on West Virginians for Life Endorsement Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project