Ronald Reagan picture

Statement on Aid to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance

October 14, 1988

I recently signed into law the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1989. That act provided $27 million for limited humanitarian aid for the Nicaraguan democratic resistance through March 31, 1989.

Shortly, Congress will adjourn for the year, and its Members will return to their States and districts. If, during adjournment, the Sandinista regime attacks the resistance, available resources may not be enough to protect and sustain the freedom fighters until the new Congress convenes. In the event the Sandinistas attempt to capitalize on this situation, they should know I would not hesitate to call the 100th Congress back into session to consider emergency assistance to the freedom fighters.

Our policy in Nicaragua remains the same: freedom for the people of Nicaragua, restoration of democratic institutions, and peace and stability for all of Central America. America must stand with those who fight for freedom in Nicaragua, as it has stood with the valiant freedom fighters in Afghanistan and Angola. We have an obligation to share the blessings of our liberty with those who yearn for freedom in Nicaragua. Their struggle is our struggle, and together we can achieve democracy in Nicaragua.

Ronald Reagan, Statement on Aid to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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